
Amelia Rockwell

Contemporary Romance author. Now with bonus erotica ;)



Need your book reviewed?

Hey guys, I have an open queue for romance book reviews right now!

If you write romance of any kind, you might want to check out my Review Policy/Submission page and submit your book for an honest review!

I know how those Goodreads reviews help with self-published writers, and I’m willing to honestly review your book for nothing more than a free copy of your work.  I’m not super well known yet, but I can attest to having a decent tumblr following as well as over 800 followers on Twitter!  🙂

Anywho, give me a shout, we’ll talk!  I’m super friendly, I promise!  😉

Real Writers Don’t Self-Publish — Kristen Lamb’s Blog

One of the things I love about doing what I do is that I have the ability to connect so closely with you guys and speak on the topics that matter to you. Yesterday, a fellow writer shared an article from The Guardian, For me traditional publishing means poverty. But self-publish? No way. She wanted my […]

via Real Writers Don’t Self-Publish — Kristen Lamb’s Blog

200 Words to use instead of “Good” – Infographic… — Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

Are you striving to make your writing more vivid and engaging? While achieving perfection is a long and rocky road, you can significantly improve your writing with a quick and easy fix: eliminating weak words that we use for just about anything these days. Start with the word “good”: you can surely find a better […]

via 200 Words to use instead of “Good” – Infographic… — Chris The Story Reading Ape’s Blog

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